Monday, April 18, 2011

Woman Rows the Oceans Solo

Roz Savage is a 40 something woman who has made it her life's pursuit to row the various oceans of the world.  She has already rowed the 3000 miles across the Atlantic and is currently rowing across the Indian Ocean from Fremantle, Australia to Mumbai (Bombay), India.  On day's when she takes breaks from row due to weather and/or ocean currents she likes to read books, like "The Wave", about monster waves, and "The Devil's Teeth" about the Farallon Islands and great white sharks.  Definitely not subjects I would want to read about while in the middle of the ocean.  You can keep up with Roz on her blog  Just a note here Roz is out to make an environmental statement about the worlds oceans and that is part of her adventure.

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